Final Presidential Debate Showdown Exposes More Scandal

Brianna Shaffery, Staff Writer

October 19 was the third and final debate between Mr. Trump and Secretary Clinton before the presidential election in November. The debate was held in Las Vegas and the topics which were covered included the Supreme Court, immigration, character and “fitness” of the candidates to be presidents, and the economy.

The next president could determine the balance between conservative and liberal views on the Supreme Court, as they will be able to appoint at least two justices. Supreme Court members serve for life, thus the next president could determine the values of the Court for at least a quarter of a century. Secretary Clinton believes that the Supreme Court “should represent all of us”, especially in these progressive times. Mr. Trump argues that “a Supreme Court… should uphold all the amendments” with an emphasis on the Second Amendment, that guarantees the right to bear arms for all American citizens and that his justices would “interpret the Constitution as our founding fathers wanted it to be.” The topic of the Supreme Court was expanded onto specific issues such as gun rights and women’s rights in terms of abortion.

Immigration was the next issue discussed, a topic that the candidates both have strong, opposing views. Mr. Trump stated that “we have no country if we have no borders”. Though borders define countries, states, etcetera, the issue lies in how a government maintains and fortifies said border. Mr. Trump mentioned the illegal immigrants that have broken the law, and also criminals that have committed crimes beyond illegal immigration, and his plan to build a wall. Secretary Clinton criticized Mr. Trump’s plan saying that “we are a nation of immigrations and a nation of laws…”. Her plan includes reform of the immigration system and secured borders.

Soon, the character of both candidates were brought into question. A sensitive topic was the mass release of Secretary Clinton’s allegedly hacked emails from a former Clinton Campaign member, John Podesta. Secretary Clinton quickly casted concern toward Russia and Vladimir Putin, claiming that many of the occurrences pertaining to her emails could be the direct effect of Russian hackers. Secretary Clinton also believes that this could be a precedent to Russian intervention in our election, through hacking the system on election day.

Afterwards, Mr. Trump’s behavior towards women was discussed, particularly the controversial video release which has led to multiple women accusing him of sexual assault. He called the allegations “fiction” and claimed that many of the accusations have been debunked. In further response to the accusations, Mr. Trump turned the attention back to Secretary Clinton accusing her campaign of inciting violence at his rallies and events. Secretary Clinton continued to push Mr. Trump’s behavior to the forefront of the debate. Both candidates tried to slander the other while avoiding specifically their respective scandals that have put their names in the headlines. A full videos and transcripts for all the debates can be found here.