With the Coronavirus still circulating, the governor has decided to close school buildings for the rest of the year, leaving students with online learning. While all of this is going on teachers are still working hard to stay connected to their students and ensure their learning has not decreased. Last week was teacher appreciation week, and students put in the effort to share their appreciation for their teachers remotely.
People around the country came up with a variety of creative ways to show teachers the appreciation they have for them, especially during this tough time. Administration and school principals stopped by their teachers houses and dropped off gifts, and have had teacher “car parades”. Students made signs and videos for their teachers about how much they mean to them. Parents also showed a great amount of appreciation for their child’s teachers. During this time, many parents have gotten a sneak peak into what teachers endure everyday and have gained new insight about the hardwork and dedication that teachers have. Parents have taken to Facebook and various other social media platforms to explain their gratitude and share with others the impact that teachers have had on their children.
At Shore Regional, various actions were taken to celebrate teacher appreciation week. The Student Council, who normally takes charge of the teacher appreciation celebrations made sure that this year’s celebrations were not canceled. Student Council members made digital personalized cards for each teacher that were sent out via email. In addition, Shore Regional principal Mr. DalliCardillo, along with other members of the administration, hand delivered gifts to the teacher’s houses and sent them specialized emails. Many teachers also received emails from several students and parents thanking them for all their hard work. Mrs. Ensor said, “The outpouring of support was amazing to me and reminded me of why I love what I do. Being a part of the Shore Regional community is one of the best parts of my life, and all that was done for me throughout Teacher Appreciation Week reinforced my feelings.”
Teachers have worked diligently these past few weeks to restructure learning in a way that fits the new standard. Due to the hectic nature of this time the gratitude that people have for teachers was not easily expressed, so the love shared this week carried monumental meaning. Mrs. Martin explained, “In the midst of all the craziness, it was a breath of fresh air to be acknowledged and appreciated by both administration and our students. I think I speak for many of my fellow faculty members that the last 8 weeks have been some of the most difficult of our careers-to be acknowledged for our hard work is wonderful and we’re incredibly grateful for the recognition.”
Now more than ever teachers are making a difference in their students’ lives. It is important to show appreciation for teachers not just during teacher appreciation week, but every week because their hard work and dedication is what helps students grow.