Opinion: Trump’s “political incorrectness” draws attention


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Aleka Damiano, Staff Writer

Donald Trump, despite his immoral and controversial thoughts, may be the refreshing change that the U.S. people need as a political figure. No, I do not want Donald Trump to be elected as president, but I find his campaign to be intriguing. The reason why Trump receives so much attention and has been drawing large crowds is because of his extremely opinionated demeanor. Although I do not agree with half of the things that Trump says, his honesty is something that one can learn to see the value in. Unlike other politicians that choose their words wisely and walk on eggshells around the American public, Trump does not. Similarly, Trump does not try to relate to voters with stories of financial struggle (most likely because he lives a lifestyle far from it) or with other stories of hardships that were overcome with “hard work” or “perseverance” like other candidates. The truth is that governors, senators and other politicians running for presidency are not like the average American. A wealthy governor, with years of political engagement and knowledge, cannot relate to the average American who works hard and long hours to barely make it by on finances. Such candidates attempt at putting on a facade to appeal to the American people, however Trump is an exception. He is purely himself when he speaks. He says what he means, no matter how inappropriate. The fact of the matter is that the American people are interested by what Trump is saying and are being influenced to take hold of their own beliefs. It is his political incorrectness that is taking the campaign trail by storm.