Starbucks Releases New Spring Flavors

Gabriella Maletto and Monica Rose Viola

Spring has officially sprung! Starbucks coffee chains have prepared a line of new drinks to debut this season, including a Cherry Blossom Frappucino and a Caramelized Honey Latte. They have even brought back one of our favorites for a limited time- the Caramel Cocoa Cluster Frappucino! The icy beverage features toffee-nut syrup, caramel sauce, and mocha sauce. On top of the coffee is usually ice, milk, and whipped cream. This nostalgic treat will be available starting April 5th and will only be available until April 11th.  The Cherry Blossom Frappucino is inspired by the Sakura Blossom and Strawberry Frappucino, one of the chain’s biggest hits in Japan. The drink did get an American makeover before it was brought over and according to Refinery29, the Cherry Blossom Frappuccino “features a blend of strawberries and cream, striped white chocolate sauce, matcha drizzle, and is topped with whipped cream.” And finally, the Caramelized Honey Latte will entice Starbucks customers everywhere! The new flavor starts out like a traditional latte with strong espresso and steamed milk, these two ingredients are mixed with kettle which is a cooked caramel honey sauce. This drink can be consumed over ice or steamed. “One of the things we’re most excited about with Caramelized Honey Latte is how well it works both hot and iced,” said Christal Canzler, a member of the beverage development team, in a press release. “It’s perfect for spring weather.”  Like most drinks, this will only be available for a limited time. So get out there and enjoy the spring weather and while you’re at it, pick up a frosty Starbucks beverage to put your Spring fever into overdrive!