Thirty-two Seasons and Still Going Strong
Survivor Still a Hit With Viewers
April 25, 2016
Thirty-two seasons and sixteen years into its life-span, the hit television series, Survivor, continues to amaze viewers with unexpected twists and villainous-inspired characters. Prior to the start of its 32nd season, fans of the show were slightly concerned of what was to come due to the lack of excitement in the press, mainly from the show’s host Jeff Probst. However, week after week, the season continues to draw in fans from around the world. After its tenth episode of the season, fans saw one of the most unexpected moments of the show, thus far.
One of the biggest twists this season is the formation of the super idol. To give some background, the super idol (a combination of two players’ idols) can be used to save someone after the votes have already been read, a loophole never previously seen in the series. After a tribe swap earlier in the game, Vietnamese gardener, Tai Trang, and former NBA player, Scot Pollard, became close allies and at Scot’s suggestion they merged idols. The men targeted the biggest strategic and physical threat, Aubry Bracco for elimination. After winning immunity, Jason handed his idol off to Scot in case the super idol may be needed. Off the castaways then went to one of the most nail-biting tribal councils of the season.
After Scot and Jason reassured everyone they were safe due to the anticipated use of the super idol, it was time to finally vote. The vote ended up being two votes for Tai, two votes for Aubry, and four votes for Scot. Scot and Jason looked at Tai for the other part of the super idol so Scot could be saved, however, instead of handing over his idol, Tai let Scot, one of his closest allies and friends, be eliminated from the game. Despite being a debatable move for Tai, this was the right move for him in many ways. He redeemed himself from any “villainous” activities he may have participated in during former episodes and also garnered some favor from the other castaways because this strategy took out the person people hated the most, Scot Pollard.
Viewers will have to wait to see how this unexpected and bold move will impact the game in next week’s episode since Jason won’t sit quietly after his closest ally went home. This season has become increasingly more exciting with each episode and I have faith that this Survivor:Kaoh Rong will continue to reach new heights of insanity as it starts to wind down to the finals.