Shore celebrates Veterans Day

95-Year-Old World War II Veteran Shares His Military Service

Emma Paolantonio, Staff Writer

This Veterans Day, we all remember and show appreciation for those who risk their lives protecting our country. Between family, friends, neighbors, and strangers who have served our country, we are grateful for the sacrifices they have made to better our everyday lives. As part of Shore Regional tradition, staff and students were given the opportunity to meet and hear the stories of veterans who fought for our freedoms. One of these veterans was Mr. Peter Bova -a 95-year-old veteran who served alongside of his four brothers in World War II.

Displaying a laminated newspaper article from the year 1945, Mr. Bova proudly pointed out himself and his brothers in uniform to the crowd of high school students. He talked about his brother Joseph who was captured as a prisoner of war and was held in Italy for five months. Despite an injury from a grenade and hearing damage to one ear, Joseph returned home to Oceanport to live out the rest of his years. Mr. Bova made sure that each of his brothers- Joseph, Gregory, Paul, and Ralph, were mentioned and honored during the assembly, just as he was. Mr. Bova reflected on three major World War II invasions in which he served as a medic. Along with the other medics in his unit, he worked as a “replacement medic”. He was sent into battle after the first round of medics could no longer serve, or needed help aiding the wounded. “Made me believe I was doing something by helping them, Amen” he told the onlooking crowd of freshman and seniors. 

After speaking to the crowd of freshman, Mr. Bova was met on stage with the students and staff who lined up to shake his hand and the hands of the other brave Veterans who stood with him. Shore Regional thanks Mr. Bova and the other veterans who came to speak to the school for their bravery and for their commitment to protecting our great country.