Khan Academy faces financial crisis
April 8, 2020
Recently, Khan Academy has been undergoing a large financial struggle and is asking those who can to support the online learning service. Khan Academy, a free not-for-profit learning organization which focuses on online learning was hit hard by the effects of COVID-19. In this video, Sal Khan (owner of Khan Academy) details their financial hardship as their traffic numbers surge: Khan Academy request for donations
Khan Academy is known for its state-of-the-art teaching methods and easy accessibility, making it a worldwide learning tool. With the rise of COVID-19, free services like Khan Academy are threatened by the increase in active users.
More users sounds like the goal for most, but this recent surge in users was unexpected and unprepared. As a non-profit, Khan Academy was already struggling to manage their costs. Now, with COVID-19, the struggle has become worse.
Luckily, the Bank of America has stepped up to support the global learning service and combat the financial problems which Khan Academy has been facing. “Bank of America is supporting Khan Academy in their effort to keep students learning over the weeks and months ahead as we face widespread school closures across the country.”
While Khan Academy struggles, they aren’t the only organization which are facing financial hardship. Companies like Gamestop and Nike are seeing revenue drops like no other, and airlines and resorts have trouble to stay afloat. COVID-19 is certainly showing to be one of modern America’s most challenging times, and brings us closer to recessions like seen in 2008 everyday.